

Concerning Translation, Source Material, and Geography


Perhaps more than any other game bearing the Final Fantasy name, FF4 has gone through several different versions and translations that, at points, are significantly different from one another. Indeed, the version that is most familiar to an American audience, released as Final Fantasy Two on the SNES, was drastically changed from the original Japanese version in both difficulty and text, resulting in a much poorer product according to most. This worldbook, therefore, is primary based not upon this lesser version but instead upon the original Japanese "hard-type" of the game, as presented in Final Fantasy Chronicles or in the excellent translation script by J2E. However, as the original American version is better known, the naming conventions of most proper nouns follow that of the lesser translation for the sake of clarity.


In addition, the geography of the various landmasses that comprise the Earth in the game itself seems somewhat simplistic and unrealistic. As such, although the basic geography is kept intact, this worldbook will make some necessary alterations in order to bring to this document a greater sense of realism and continuity. Also, although the game itself would suggest that the lands shown in the game itself constitute the entire Earth, for the purpose of this worldbook it is assumed that these lands are merely a small part of a much larger, though otherwise unknown, world.


Finally, I am greatly indebted to the ongoing efforts of for his translations and compilations of various Japanese texts and game books relating to Final Fantasy Four that, as far as I know, are unavailable elsewhere and add a wealth of knowledge to the information presented within this worldbook.
